Stichting Nederlandse Kaap Hoorn-vaarders

Herdenkingsuitgave 29 januari 2016 i.v.m. 400 jaar Kaap Hoorn op de kaart

atlas omslag

Atlas van Kaap Hoorn, kaartbeeld van zuidelijk Zuid-Amerika, 1500-1725.

Vijf kernachtige essays die U tweeënhalve eeuw bijpraten over de maritieme ontwikkelingen rond Z-Amerika met een bijzondere rol voor de stad Hoorn, gevolgd door een prachtige verzameling bijzondere kaarten die U de ontwikkeling van de cartografie laat zien en de invloed van de Lage landen. 

De hoogwaardige digitale afdrukken van deze fullcolour en z/w kaarten, maken het bekijken van details met een loupe een feest. De Nederlandse en Engelse edities hebben beide een Spaanse synopsis 

Beide edities elk € 15,00.

Sail 2015


The Dutch Cape Horners Foundation

General information

Cape Horn is the southernmost tip of the American continent, stretching far into the stormy sea area known as the Roaring Forties, because of the thundering west winds.  This cape was on the last route that was still viable for sailing ships carrying cargo, such as grain from Australia and nitrates from Chili to Europe.  On these trips, rounding the Horn, was at one and the same time the blackest hour in the already difficult existence of the crew and the high point of their seamanship.

Sailors who have rounded the Horn feel united and in 1937 this led to the founding (in France) of the Amicale Internnational des Capitaines au Long Cours Cap Horniers.  After the Second World War, when sail had disappeared, sections of the Amicale were set up in several countries.  After a time membership was opened to every one of all ranks who had sailed on cargo ships round the Horn.  The society of Dutch Cape Horn Sailors (De Vereeniging van Nederlandse Kaap-Hoornvaarders) was set up in 1959.  At the invitation of the municipality, Hoorn was chosen as the registered office as it was from here that the discoverers of the Horn, Le Maire en Schouten, sailed in 1615.

The Society flourished, with a membership of almost 100 still living Cape Horn sailors, and it had its own magazine in which member’s experiences were published. The last reunion was held in 1979 and in 1985 the dying society became a foundation which aimed at keeping the memories of the great days of sail – particularly round Cape Horn – alive.

The Dutch Cape Horners Foundation now has almost 500 contributors or « participants », most of whom are interested in the history of seamanship in the wider sense.  None have actually sailed around the Horn on cargo carrying sailing ships. The last member who actually did so, Captain Pieter G. van der Hoek, died on the 13th of June 2008 at the age of 92. On the other hand, the number of members who have sailed round the Horn in charter ships and yachts during the last three decades is growing.  Hoorn awards to the skippers of these ships a special trophy, whilst the Foundation awards the crews with a medallion.

Every autumn a get-together for contributors and 'participants' is held in Hoorn, with a talk and meal.  In the winter, talks are given elsewhere as requested.  There is also a documentation commission busy with research, which often leads to the publication in the autumn of a booklet about one or more memorable voyages under sail.  In the summer the antiquities’ room of the Foundation, Achterom 17, is open to the public on Wednesday afternoons.

The great voyages under sail around Cape Horn play a minor part in Dutch maritime history as they were too international and the presentation in museums is minimal.  To many, however, from the point of view of seamanship, the Cape Horn voyages are the most impressive in the history of sail.  The memories of these nautical achievements need to be preserved and the Foundation has pledged itself to do just that.  They hope for your interest and support.


Major Historic Events:

On 29 January 1616 Jacob Le Maire and Willem Cornelisz. Schouten discovered the southern most tip of South-America and named this point  Cape Hoorn, the name of their hometown. Sailing through this unknown open water between Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, they established the basis for greater expansion of worldtrade with sailing vessels, than passing through Strait Magelanes. The Dutch charted Strait Le Maire and other coastlines in this area and around Cape Horn and then continued to the East-Indies. In 1643 admiral Brouwer established that Statenland was actually an island and not connected to the imaginary Terra Incognita. ‘ He concluded that the wide open sea to the south was much better suited for safe navigation between the Atlantic and Pacific. ‘


Atlas of Cape Horn, Cartography of southern South America, 1500-1725

A publication of the Dutch 400 Year Cape Horn Foundation and Thoth Publishers.

On sale € 39,90 with porto € 13,- within the EU, see website info to order.

Synopsis Atlas of Cape Horn



Report Celebration 20th anniversary




An alle Seebären und -Bärinnen unserer Cape-Horn Runde.

image001Helft mit, vor allem den aktiven und jungen Generationen unseres Landes einmal im Leben die unaufhaltsam verklingende Welt der echten Windjammer real zu erleben. Gerne seid Ihr alten Knochen auch gerne an Bord gesehen. Uschi hat sich schon als erste gemeldet. 

Die russischen Kadettenakademien der dortigen Fischereiflotte starten ein spektakuläres Unterfangen.

Mit viel, viel Mühen haben wir es geschafft, dass ein kleines Kontingent an Mitsegelplätzen für westeuropäische Mitsegler frei gehalten wurde. 

Zusammen mit russischen Berufsseeleuten und Kadetten sind Interessenten aus Deutschland und der Welt eingeladen, an diesem maritimen Weltspektakel mitzumachen.  

In the spirit of Cape Horn

Kpt. Uwe Koch

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ANBI FC75Donateurs zijn erg belangrijk voor de Stichting Ned. Kaap Hoorn-vaarders. Heeft U belangstelling voor de geschiedenis van Kaap Hoorn en de grote zeilvaart? Meld u dan aan. 
U bent al donateur voor minimaal € 20,- per jaar. Als algemeen nut beogende instelling zijn schenkingen aan de stichting fiscaal aftrekbaar.

Het weer op Kaap Hoorn

blauwewolkOp de Noorse weersite is het actuele weer op Kaap Hoorn te volgen: